Thursday 29 March 2018

March Calendar Challenge


You were were all correct. The big cat is a leopard. It lives in Asia, including India and Africa. Here is a link to a website that helps you identify big cats:

Here are the entries and some art by Max close up! Remember you can make them bigger by clicking on the picture.

Friday 23 March 2018

Protector ck!

WHEN YOU HEAR 'k' ON THE END OF A WORD, IS IT -ck, -k or -ke????
Protector ck  protects weak vowels from nasty critters.
(Watch the video below for more information on this rule. This video and others are on our Sound of the week: 'k' post)

pick    Protector ck is needed! I is weak by itself saying its short name/nickname.
pink    The I has a letter friend so it does not need protecting.
pike    The I says its full name. It is strong and does not need protecting thanks to Policeman E.

Here is Steffini, Tayla, Shiloh and Noelle with their protector ck shields to defend weak vowels. I wouldn't mess with them!

Monday 19 March 2018

Sound of the week short 'a'

Watch out! Mr Thorne makes a few mistakes in this video. See if you can spot them! Some of his words with A don't say 'a' as in ant or apple. A is a clever letter. It can say many sounds. The short 'a' is only one of them!

"Ant on the apples 'a', 'a', 'a'"

Handbag, army tanks, and a hatchimal

Aim an arrow at an apple anyone?

This week's memory verse - Matthew 6:31-32

Don’t worry and ask yourselves, “Will we have anything to eat?
Will we have anything to drink? Will we have any clothes to wear?”
32 Only people who don’t know God are always worrying about such things.
Your Father in heaven knows that you need all of these.

Matthew 6:31-32

Tuesday 13 March 2018

There's a new teacher in town!

Caleb took devotions today. He spoke to us about Jonah, the man who forgot God is the king of hide and seek. 

Caleb is such a natural! He organised everything and even made his own props. You're AWESOME Caleb!!! We really enjoyed your teaching and we learnt a lot.

Monday 12 March 2018

Luke 12:7 God knows the number of hairs on our head!

God knows us in detail and loves every bit of it. 
"Even the hairs on your head are counted.
So don't be afraid!
You are worth much more than many sparrows."
Luke 12:7

Friday 9 March 2018

Our March Kingdom Kid, our first for the year!


Sadella's certificate says... 

Sadella makes us feel cared for and important by the way she listens with her whole body. She participates, and works in a way that helps herself and others learn. Sadella stands up for what is right and does what is right herself. Sadella you show respect, diligence, integrity, kindness and humility. You do all of this with a positive attitude and a warm smile.

Sound of the Week 'k'

k, c, ck, ch

Thursday 1 March 2018



Well done to everyone who entered February's Calendar Challenge! I wish I had been able to video your presentations. There are definitely some naturals behind a microphone among you!👍

(Apologies for the picture quality. The iPad doesn't take the best photos. We are on the lookout for a spare camera)

Max's mum (Mrs T aka awesome Art teacher) is teaching us how to create the elephants on Max and Liam's Calendar Challenges. We started on Friday afternoon and we will finish them next Friday. She is teaching us how to make other hand print animals as well! So much fun!