Monday 2 December 2019

November Calendar Challenge

Sadly our last Calendar Challenge for the year but the entrants did us proud. Congratulations for all your research, preparation and creativity.

Tuesday 26 November 2019

Growing Kindness

Here we are today in A2 sharing the kindness books we each created. A5 were real leaders, organisers and creatives! The kids did all the planning and arranging. With giving as our school focus this term, we wanted to grow kindness in our school. We thought books are powerful communicators and that's why we put our kindness message in a book.

Monday 4 November 2019

October Calendar Challenge

Congratulations Entrants
Brown bears are found across the northern hemisphere in Canada, Alaska, and the northwestern United States, in parts of eastern and western Europe, and throughout northern Asia, including Japan.

The subspecies of Brown Bear in the photo above are known as Grizzly Bears and they are fishing in Alaska!

Sound of the Week: Bossy R /ar/

Monday 14 October 2019

Sound of the Week: /oi/

/oi/ /oy/
Join the Toy Show!

September's Calendar Challenge

Snow Leopard
Congratulations awesome entrants!!! Once again terrific entries, creative ideas and wonderful information.
Sadly, Logan was away sick on Calendar Challenge Day, but here is his AMAZING pop-up book he entered. Fabulous idea Logan!!!

Monday 23 September 2019

Sound of the Week: Long A /ai/ /ay/


Tuesday 10 September 2019

Great Big Billy Goat Gruff Challenge

/j/ is for bridge

Planning phase

Building and testing

Your plan worked. Why do you think it has?

Testing to see if the bridge could hold more weight.

A decorative bridge. Very creative idea ladies.... no one said you couldn't use yourselves as your resources of choice!
Beginning phase of making the bridge even stronger to hold a human in the middle of the bridge.

Strong enough to hold a human? Feet off the ground. Well done!
...maybe not four humans (moving shot as the bridge collapses) What could you do to enable your bridge to hold your whole design team?
The decorations have gone but the bridge fits the brief. I wonder if this bridge could hold the Great Big Billy Goat Gruff for 10 minutes?

Nice looking bridge boys. It can hold the Great Big Billy Goat but can the Troll fit under the bridge? Time for a redesign.