This week's Memory Verse:
I want you to treat others fairly. Always do what is right.
Amos 5v24
We have watched and read a few stories this week where the main character thought they were the 'centre of the universe', the most important while others were worth less. Well, at least that is how they treat them. They were "me, me, me!"
- The giant thought others should do whatever he wanted, when he wanted. He was bossy and angry.
- EJ thought he was more important than others. He was mean and rude.
- Beaver was really good at talking but didn't listen to others.
Respect means we treat everyone as important, that includes being fair to everyone. Integrity means being honest and doing what is right (even if no one is looking).
We practised fairness and respect in the playground, even if no one was looking.
We shared the playground equipment |
We gave everyone an opportunity to join in our game of tag. If someone asked if they could play we said yes! We played by the rules. |
We took turns. |
We used our manners and said, "you first". Nicholas looks pretty happy you said that Natalia!!! |
A word that came up every time we talked about respect, manners or fairness was LISTENING.
Listening is polite. Listening to others tells them they are important. Listening is fair. It lets others have a turn at talking.
We made two lists (if you can read the fast writing). The left hand side is what listening looks like and sounds like. The right side is what listening does not look like or sound like.
We decided that the best listeners are Whole Body Listeners.
Spot the awesome whole body listeners during High 5 Reading time. They look like and sound like listeners.