Tuesday 26 February 2019

February's Calendar Challenge!

Congratulations entrants!!!
You did an amazing job! We learnt a lot from you.

Our animal for February is a hippopotamus. Sian taught us there are two kinds of hippo; the common hippopotamus and the pygmy hippopotamus. Both live in Africa. We loved Logan's photos of him touching and feeding a real hippopotamus. Sera got crafty and made her entry so that you can hang it on the wall. Sera did a great job of putting her information in her own words. Well done you three!

Monday 25 February 2019

Jesus bridges the gap

Image result for jesus is the bridge illustration of sinWe have been learning about how God is Holy, which means He doesn't mix with sin. We can mix with sin and we do sometimes. This means God can't mix with us, BUT Jesus made a way for us. YAY! By Jesus dying on the cross for our sins we can be close to God, and God can be close to us because Jesus has taken away our sin. 
Mrs Forrest gave us a challenge. We had to build a bridge from one side of the court to the other (between us and God), so that we could all get across. We know that we can't build our own bridge to God, only Jesus can do that, but we had fun building it to help us remember what Jesus has done for us. We can be part of God's family because of him. 
We had to do a bit of problem solving. At first, we all tired to do it by ourselves. We discovered the best way to get right across was to work as a team. 
In A5 we have a saying, "What's going to work? Teamwork!"
Click on the pictures to make them bigger!

Sound of the Week: 'b'

Lucy brought a badge and a bag for our sound trolley. Logan brought a beyblade and a book bag.

Friday 8 February 2019

We love to sing - God is Holy

This term we are learning about how God is holy.
God says, "Be holy because I am holy." 1 Peter 1:16

A5 Superheros 2019!

We have a brand new bunch of outstanding real life superheroes in A5.
Saving the day by the way we are acting and the choices we're making!