Tuesday 30 June 2020

June Calendar Challenge

Congratulations Entrants!
We learnt so much from you all today. Chameleons are amazing!!! There is no hiding how you are feel when you are a chameleon, and we couldn't hide how awesome we thought your entries were!

Tuesday 23 June 2020

Is it C or is it K?

At the beginning of a word, how do you know whether to write a K or a C?
K takes I and E, C takes... well everything else!
James found...
keys, kites, 
coin, cake, Cowley

Sound of the Week... except it's not! Contractions!

Contraction Surgery!
Some serious surgeons!

James' inspiration from our learning: He created his own list of contractions and extended words like the one we had in class. He became the teacher and we played 'Worms' with his list. 
Awesome James!

Monday 8 June 2020

Sound of the Week: Short /u/

Under our umbrellas we have a cub (and some pretty cool people)!

May's Calendar Challenge

You might think this is a peacock! Well it is, but only because it's a male. This bird is an Indian Peafowl. The males are called peacocks, females are peahens and the babies are called peachicks. There are 3 kinds of peafowl. Our contestestants didn't get tricked though!

April's Calendar Challenge

Congrat's Creators!

Lockdown Show & Tell

On the Tuesday of our first week back after lockdown we shared something we created, built, wrote or practised over lockdown with each other. There was some pretty awesome learning while we were away!