Tuesday, 28 April 2020

Origami Jumping Frogs brought to you by Matthias!

If you would like to make an origami jumping frog like the one Matthias made in his Red-eyed Tree Frog Calendar Challenge entry here's how...

“I learned how to make a paper frog from a video on YouTube. I made it with Mum’s help because there were two steps that I found it quite hard. I also need to be very patient and careful. So if anyone wants to learn, here is the YouTube link. I have made a video to show you how to make the frog jump!” :-) By Matthias


  1. Fabulous job Matthias ๐Ÿ˜€ James

    1. Thank you James! I like your videos too. See you at school! ๐Ÿ˜ Matthias

  2. I love your jumping frogs. Blake
